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Treatment for Annular Disc Tears in Dallas/Ft. Worth

At DFW Spine & Pain Institute, we specialize in treating acute back pain, including the pain caused by an annular disc tear. Our experienced team of experts can properly diagnose an annular tear and recommend minimally-invasive treatments to help patients achieve lasting relief.

What is an Annular Tear?

The spine is made up of a series of small bones, called vertebrae. In between these vertebrae sit intervertebral discs, and the nucleus of each disc is surrounded by a strong, flexible outer ring called the annulus fibrosus. Ruptures or damage to the disc itself are called herniated discs. When the annulus is damaged but the disc is not, it is referred to as an annular disc tear.

The annulus are connected to a series of nerve endings, so annular tears can be very painful.1

Types of Annular Tears

There are three different types of annular tears, differentiated by the pattern in which the annulus tears.

Causes of Annular Tears

There are a number of potential causes of an annular tear:

Other possible causes of an annular tear include excess body weight, sitting for an extended period of time, and repetitive motions.

Annular Tear Symptoms

Many symptoms of an annular tear are similar to the symptoms experienced in people with a herniated or bulging disc, though symptoms are usually only noticeable when the outer portion of the annulus is damaged. Annular tear symptoms may include:

Diagnosis of an Annular Tear

When patients come to DFW Spine & Pain Institute with symptoms of an annular tear, our experts will perform X-ray imaging as well as an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or CT scan so that the soft tissues of the spine can be evaluated. A physical examination with palpation of the spinal area can also help pinpoint the source of a patient’s pain.

Treatment of Annular Tears

In many cases, annular tears heal themselves. However, since this is often a painful injury, our doctors recommend a series of non-surgical pain management treatments to speed the healing process. This may include:

When a patient does not achieve significant symptom relief after months of conservative treatment for an annular tear, our surgeons may recommend cervical disc replacement surgery.

Contact DFW Spine & Pain Institute

If pain from an annular disc tear is interfering with your enjoyment of life and you live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, please contact us at DFW Spine & Pain Institute. We offer free MRI reviews and can offer you an effective treatment plan.

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1 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Spine Basics. Available:–conditions/spine-basics/. Accessed June 16, 2021.

The Doctors at DFW Spine & Pain Institute have either authored or reviewed and approved this content.

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